Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the best is still to come

I am reminded this morning by Town & Country Mom of the truest meaning of thanksgiving. Isn't it a true test of thanksgiving to still be thankful during the harsh times, the valleys... She explained, "It was faith, courage, and bravery that brought us to the first Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving came after leaving home, after suffering, after sickness, after grief. The celebration came after hard work, after toil, after struggle, after compromise. And still after such hardship and loss, people gave thanks and were grateful to God not so much because the worst was over, but because—in their faith, they knew the best was still to come."

I hold tightly to that faith, the best is still to come! And I do have so very much to be thankful for. God is good, through the valleys & the peaks! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post and thoughts! So very true!!!
    (I sure like that picture you put up:)

    Thanks for your comment today...and I hope your first Christmas together is spectacular and absolutely wonderful!!!!

    Have a super Tuesday:)


thank you for your lovely thought sent my way!